
The suitable time of possession for track maintenance with machinery

Presented in 2nd international conference of last promotions in railway industries (Tehran/2009)

Railway transportation increase strategy

Presented in 9th international conference of railway transportation (Tehran/2007)

Railway track capacity

Estimating of required railway rolling stock for implementing of developing plan

Considering of railway classification methods in several countries

Reducing costs with using statistical methods and data analysis

Considering of railway tracks tolerances in developed countries

Preventive methods for reducing of wheels lathing and increasing the life time

Privilege maintenance in passenger cars and its advantages

Correction of mandrel in axles and its effects

Costs of bad maintenance of wheelsets and their parts

Considering of decision and risk analysis scientific methods

Bylaw of detachable passenger cars because of failure

Bearings rebuilding of passenger cars axles

Considering of wheel one-sided abrasion

Calculation of the best ballast thickness in railway tracks several classes

Bearings failure analysis and presenting of maintenance methods